Part 1: Overview of Gabapentin Misuse and Importance of Prevention in the United States
Part 1: Overview of Gabapentin Misuse and Important of Prevention in the United States.
Date/Time: August 1, 2024, 9:30 am – 10:30 am EST
Learning Objectives:
1. Introduce gabapentin usage and trends in the United States.
2. Define gabapentin misuse potential and associated harms.
3. Summarize state-level actions to address gabapentin misuse.
4. Identify reasons for prevention of gabapentin misuse in the United States.
Part 1: Overview of Gabapentin Misuse and Importance of Prevention in the United States
Presenter: Katherine Gora Combs, MPH, is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Gillings School of Global Public Health and a research assistant at the UNC Injury Prevention Research Center. Katherine’s research focuses on understanding the impact of major health policy, economic, environmental, and societal shifts on the growing drug overdose crisis. She is also passionate about improving the communication of injury and violence research to policymakers and the public.