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Burke, C., Raffle, H., Belcher, J., Gray, M., Hart, K., & Williams, N. (2025, March 4-6.) Implementing a Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative [Conference presentation]. 2025 RCORP Reverse Site Visit, Washington, D.C., United States.

Power Point Slides

Ashton, T., Posey, J., Sherman, B., Williams, N., Idika-Chima, I., Courser, M., & Raffle, H. (2024, June 3-4). A Cross-Community Approach to Reducing Stigma: Following Up on the Experiences of Ashtabula, Fairfield, Sandusky, and Seneca Counties [Conference presentation]. Ohio’s 2024 Mental Health & Addiction Conference, Columbus, OH, United States

Power Point Slides


Ashton, T., Park, K., Posey, J., Stonerook, C., Woodford, C., Williams, N., Raffle, H., Courser, M., & Schweinhart, A. (2022). Addressing Stigma Through the Health Stigma and Discrimination Framework: Experiences of Ashtabula, Fairfield, Sandusky, and Seneca Counties [Conference presentation]. Ohio’s 2022 Opiate and Other Drugs Conference. Columbus, OH, United States


  1. The Health Stigma Discrimination Framework
  2. COP-RCORP Health Stigma Discrimination Video
  3. COP-RCORP Stigma Surveys Technical Report
  4. COP-RCORP Community Engagement Magnet

Schweinhart, A.M., Burggraf, C., Courser, M., Raffle, H. (2019, November) Websites as a path forward for community-based research. Demonstration presented at the meeting of American Evaluators Association, Minneapolis, MN.


Courser. M. & Raffle, H. (May, 2019).  We Rise by Lifting Each Other: Using a Community of Practice Model as an Approach for HRSA’s RCORP-Planning Grant. 42nd Annual Rural Health Conference.

Atlanta, GA. AgendaSlides

Courser. M. & Raffle, H. (April, 2019).  We Rise by Lifting Each Other: Using a Community of Practice Model as an Approach for HRSA’s RCORP-Planning Grant. Substance Abuse and MIsuse: Rural Ohio Communities Respond. Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental

Sciences. AgendaSlides