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Addressing stigma towards substance use and SUD requires widespread changes in attitudes, beliefs, policies, and institutions. Achieving this requires making many decisions, plans, and adjustments to different areas where there is stigma. When making such changes, it is important to use data as a way to get a close look at stigma within the community. 

To accomplish change, COP-RCORP worked through a series of research-backed Implementation Stages.  These stages are interactive and can co-occur; it is not as if one stage ends and another clearly begins. Instead, it is often necessary to go back to previous stages when circumstances change or when certain decisions have been made.

Click on the images below to learn more about why the Implementation Stages were so important and see an example of how COP-RCORP worked through each:

Obtaining the data, while a big task in itself, is only the first of many steps needed to address a major social determinant of health like stigma. After analyzing, sharing, and reflecting on what was found in the data, we are now forming strategies and allocating resources to communities.

Here are a few free-to-use resources to help reduce stigma in public and community settings and events.