Recovery Activities
The Master consortium approach to recovery activity 2 was to convene a workgroup to discuss workforce development. More on that important work can be found here.
Individual consortiums have also worked independently to build recovery communities by providing and supporting Peer Support Trainings. Ashtabula County provided peer support training for over 50 individuals and implemented one-month follow up post-training to help achieve Peer Certification. The Fairfield County Opiate Task Force and the Fairfield County ADAMH Board also provided three Peer Support Trainings in 2021. Seneca and Sandusky community consortiums both provided trainings and are assisting with recruitment for more Peer Support Specialists.

Fairfield was able to encourage a provider agency that engages in discharge coordination to take an active role in the Opiate Task Force. This agency, New Horizons, provides “in reach” to those being discharged from prison and assists with treatment needs and community supports. Similarly, Seneca has partnered with local recovery groups including BRASS, FACTOR, and OhioCan to assist with their ongoing efforts to address discharge coordination.
The Master consortium began their exploration into Recovery Friendly Workplaces in the fall of 2023, by connecting with Tyler Meenach with Recovery Friendly Hamilton County (Ohio) and a representative from the New Hampshire’s Governor's office Recovery Friendly leadership to learn more about the initiative and how it could within their communities. In 2024, each community invested time talking with and listening to local community members and completed a community readiness assessment to gauge their community’s readiness to implement RFW practices. To support continuous skill development, knowledge sharing, community growth and advocacy in this space, the Master Consortium created the RFW Workgroup, with representatives from each community meeting monthly to collaboratively think, share ideas and discuss challenges.
Individual consortium organizations are working to obtain a RFW designation in the state of Ohio for their agencies.
Information on the COP-RCORP consortium's Recovery Friendly Workplace efforts including the individual community’s readiness assessments and information on completing a readiness assessment in your community, an organizational readiness tool, informational videos and insight into obtaining a state designation as a Recovery Friendly Workplace can be found on the COP-RCORP's RFW webpage.